Manga Artists' Guild

A division of the SHS Manga Club* that focuses its attention on members who love to draw in the manga style as much as read it. This blog serves as an art gallery where artists can display their work and other artists, as well as non-artists, can comment and critique. *SHS Manga Club's Blog/Homepage:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Piece of Art

Hey, everyone! Okay, here's an update:

From now on, the Otaku of the Month quiz will be optional, because I got the feeling some of you weren't into it. Also, we have one new piece of art!

I'm fairly sure the artist of this was named Jonell. This is a replication of the cover from an issue of The Green Lantern Corps, and what an incredible likeness! The day I got it, I left it out on my desk, and I can't tell you how many people commented on how good it was. The quality is incredible, and I look forward to seeing more pieces from this artist.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Month, New Anime!

Hey everyone! El Presidente here.

So, it seems as though not everyone is into the Otaku of the Month quiz, which I didn't anticipate, but oh, well. I don't think that far ahead. So, now, if you don't want to take it, you don't have to. But guys, seriously, sharing answers is cheating.

We've got xxxHoLic now! (Pronouced "Holic") It's probably the best anime so far, and we'll probably start quizzing on it, since it's popular already and bound to become more so once you've seen the anime. I know some of you can't make it to the lunch meetings, and for that, I'm sorry, but no one's made any sort of effort to come talk to me and work out an after school one or something like that. If you want it to happen, you have to work it out with me. I don't know what days are good for you. Same with the art class. I'm not psychic, guys, you gotta help me out.

Also, the lack of concept art for the banner is appalling. The lack of art overall is sickening. I've only gotten one piece so far! Come on, guys, I thought I had some artists this year.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hiyo! Guess what?! I'm your new president! So what I'm going to be doing is merging the art blog with the general blog. I'll be sure you know what posts go with what part of the blog. Anyway, welcome back to Manga Club, 2009-2010! Sorry it's kind of late-- I've had some issues getting time to do my various internet chores, but maybe if I got some freakin' art we'd have more posts! *hint hint*

Okay, some quick announcements.

I've had very little feedback on when the art class should actually take place, so I'm going to have two sessions: I'm going to have a lot of open days now, so the after school one will be (guess what) after school! On Club Day, and additional Wednesdays if needed or requested. During school will probably be on Thursday during A Lunch if this doesn't conflict for anyone. Let me know if you need extra days. Would anyone have a problem with the price to take the class being $2? You can bring non-Manga Club members to the class as well.


We're screening "Spiral" this month, and it's pretty funny, so if your dues are in, hit the Computer Lab every Wednesday, A Lunch. If anyone's interested, we can play it during Novice Manga Drawing Class, which will now be abbreviated as NMDC. Rawr. Acronyms for the win.


I may be starting a contest once I get some art up.

Speaking of Contests, OTAKU OF THE MONTH

K. That's all. Talk to you guys at the meetings.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Art Gallery! Again!

Howdy, folks!

It's been a while, but I wanted to submit one more entry before the end of the year. Before we look at our loverly art, I have something I'd like to bring up. An issue, if you will.

Over a period of time while I was absent, I recieved a series of disturbing comments from an anonymous commenter. Though the perpetrator was caught and repremanded, I have to make some changes to avoid a repeat.I had originally allowed anonymous comments so that people from our school didn't have to get an account to post. Now I have to block anonymous comments. Sorry, guys.

Also, I've made it a rule now that I can't post any art that does not belong to the person who gave it to me. Sorry again!

Anyway, on to the art!

This one is mine. The character's name is Rhem, and I plan to use this picture as the cover of my book, once it gets published. Whoot! Also, thanks to Haley C. for her help with the shading.

This is Louramihi, a painting I did. You should really fullview this one. I put a lot of work into the detail.

And this is the partner picture to Louramihi, a painting of her mean cousin, Liuk'Naha. By the way, they're aliens. That's why they're so pale.

This is a work by Haley C. Her name is Vivian and she's a character that is based on the story of the Inheritance Series. Y'know. Eragon? Anyway, you should definitely fullview this one, too. It's absolutely beautiful with it's intricate detail on the dragon egg and the tattoos.

This is by Cas. It's an interesting concept sketch of a wolf with lots of injuries and markings. It makes you want to know the story, doesn't it?

This is a picture by Haley C. that she called "Pretty Dress" on deviantArt. I believe she said this picture was a happy mistake and that originally she was going in a completely different direction. I don't know about her, but I loved the way it turned out and am extremely pleased to have it on my page. I love the bodice and armlets on the dress.

This is another one from Cas. This one, not unlike the last, raises many questions. Where is the boy up top standing? Why does the girl have a knife? How do they know eachother? Why don't I have awesome shoes like that? We may never know. I do know, however, that the detail on the hair is great and the font is really cool.

This is a collaborative drawing between Haley C. and myself. She is a supervillainess-gone-superheroine named Nightmare. She is Gotham's best fighter but also it's worst theif. I did the lines on Nightmare and Haley did the colors and the background. Aren't her little bats adorable?

This is a picture of the Con Man from DeathNote by Nicole J. She is a new artist to the blog, but unfortunatly is graduating, so this is all we get. T-T Anyway, isn't this awesome? There's so much detail on the hair and face.

And this is another work of Nicole J.'s called "Back Off!" It's a simple yet expressive piece with a nice sound effect to bring it home. Also, it makes me think of old Batman comics, and everyone knows that Batman is made of win.
Well, that's it for the year, I guess. If you want to email me pictures over the summer, I'll post those, and I'll continue to post my own work, as well as the work of those I happen to see over the summer. Keep in touch!
Also, I'd just like to mention that I'll be President next year. I'm going to open a news blog so that everyone knows what will be going on. I have yet to ask her, but I'd like Rita, my Vice President, to help me with that.
Anyway, enjoy your summer, everyone! See you next fall!