Manga Artists' Guild

A division of the SHS Manga Club* that focuses its attention on members who love to draw in the manga style as much as read it. This blog serves as an art gallery where artists can display their work and other artists, as well as non-artists, can comment and critique. *SHS Manga Club's Blog/Homepage:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Piece of Art

Hey, everyone! Okay, here's an update:

From now on, the Otaku of the Month quiz will be optional, because I got the feeling some of you weren't into it. Also, we have one new piece of art!

I'm fairly sure the artist of this was named Jonell. This is a replication of the cover from an issue of The Green Lantern Corps, and what an incredible likeness! The day I got it, I left it out on my desk, and I can't tell you how many people commented on how good it was. The quality is incredible, and I look forward to seeing more pieces from this artist.